Shipping & Delivery

How long does delivery take?

Processing your order may take 1-7 business days, as everything is hand-packed. We will send the products as quickly as possible but please allow 7 business days for your order to be ready to ship out.

There may be processing delays during big releases, collaborations, Christmas and sale periods.

Shipping times depend on the country, as well as each country’s customs inspection and postal delivery practices.
In some countries (USA, Canada, Australia, Norway etc.), you can expect up to 3 weeks delivery time, due to customs clearance.

Please check below for an indication of how long shipping might take!

Europe 3-21 business days

Outside Europe 10-45 business days

Please note that these shipping times are excluding the processing time.
For the total delivery time, please consider both the time it takes to get your order ready and the shipping time relevant to your country.
To prevent any inconvenience, please enter the correct shipping address.
In case of any change in information regarding shipping and delivery, please notify us as soon as possible at [email protected]
If the package cannot be delivered and is returned to the sender due to an incorrect address, you will need to pay the shipping cost again to resend your package.

Tracking Your Order!
How can you track your order? 

You will receive a tracking number when your order has been shipped you will then be able to track your order using the website below with the tracking number provided:

Tracking Website:

If you have any questions:
Please email us at: [email protected]
Dm us on our Instagram: @weebapparelz